On our site
you will find the information on all countries of the world. Whether it
be Brazil
or Cabo Verde.
You will get acquainted with all 45 countries of the Europe and learn,
how name Faroese the capital. You will open for yourselves New Zealand
and learn, who such Tombalay. Our site to you will tell about Fidji and
Haiti, Tokelau and Tuvalu, Micronesia and Guatemala. We shall try to
not leave white spots and to give a maximum of the information on each
country. We shall tell about sights, about history of the countries,
about the most interesting cities of the world.
If you gather in travel to Turkey, Egypt, Czech Republic or,
shall admit, to Maldives
specially for this purpose there is a block from travel agencies where
they will offer you the best rounds.
For fans of rest on islands pages in such popular places, as Madiera
and Canary
Islands are specially made.
We did not begin to include Russia in number
the European or Asian countries.